Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences (ILAS)
Courses Offered:
4- year Courses:
A.B Major in Aviation Communication
A.B Major in Aviation Tourism
A.B Major in Aviation Logistics
A.B Major in Aviation Safety and Security Management
A.B Major in Aviation Communication
Course Description:
The program aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills in the theory and practice of communication applicable in aviation professions and contexts. The graduates are expected to be very conversant in genuine phraseology using the Aviation English used in international operations.
A.B Major in Aviation Tourism
Course Description:
The program is designed to provide students with the necessary training and skills to maximize the opportunities from both the aviation and tourism industries. The curriculum provides holistic training that would allow graduates to become effective industry practitioners and tourism entrepreneurs.
A.B Major in Aviation Logistics
Course Description:
The course prepares students for a challenging career in aviation logistics, marketing and allied professions through innovative curriculum and dynamic programs. Graduates are expected to become specialists in the movement of goods and people by air, thus providing key capabilities in the movement of resources all over the globe.
A.B Major in Aviation Safety and Security Management
Course Description:
The program is designed to equip students with the fundamental theories and relevant skill trainings needed to become effective safety and security managers. Curricular program incorporates actual training in airline and airport security management operations.
Institute of Computer Studies (ICS)
Courses Offered:
4 – year Courses:
B.S in Information Management Major in Airline Operation Procedures (BSIM- AOP)
B.S in Aviation Information Technology (BSAIT)
2 – year Courses
Associate in Aviation Information Technology (AAIT)
Associate in Aviation Information Management (AAIM)
Course Description:
This is a two- year program leading to 4-year BSIM Course which covers the principles, theory, and methods of information and computer application in the airline industry. It focuses on the science- based management and practices in airline operation. It discusses high quality and efficient service delivery operations, quality, speed and frequency of information exchange, and productivity. It also discusses useful inferences made from large datasets and the speed and quality of decision- making by individuals, groups and organizations.
Associate in Aviation Information Technology (AAIT)
Course Description:
This is a two- year program leading to 4- year BSIT which includes all matters concerned with the furtherance of computer science technology and with the design, development, installation and implementation of information systems and application. Information technology architecture is an integrated framework for acquiring and evolving strategic goals. Any equipment, which is used in the automatic acquisition storage, manipulation, management, movement, control display, switching, interchange, transmission, or reception of data or information. The term information technology includes computers, auxiliary equipment, software, firmware, and similar procedures, services and related resources.
Institute of Engineering and Technology (InET)
Courses Offered:
5- year Courses:
B.S in Aeronautical Engineering (BSAeE)
B.S in Air Transportation (BSAT)
4- year Courses:
B.S in Aircraft Maintenance Technology (BSAMT)
B.S in Aviation Electronics Technology (BSAET)
2- year Courses
Associate in Aircraft Maintenance Technology (AAMT)
Associate in Aviation Electronics Technology (AAET)
B.S in Aeronautical Engineering (BSAeE)
(CMO No. 28 s. 2007)
Course Description:
This course deals with the methods and theories/ principles of flight. It also covers basic engineering sciences as applied to research and development, manufacturing, operation, maintenance, repair and modification of aircraft and its components.
B.S in Air Transportation (BSAT)
(DECS Order No. 64 s. 1994)
Course Description:
This is a 5- year program aimed at producing private and commercial pilots to meet the growing demands of the aviation industry.
B.S in Aircraft Maintenance Technology (BSAMT)
(DECS Order No. 64 s. 1994)
Course Description:
This is a ladderized course designed and developed to prepare the students with sufficient knowledge and skills in the field of aircraft maintenance from piston engines to the latest introduced wide- bodied aircraft.
B.S in Aviation Electronics Technology (BSAET)
(DECS Order No. 64 s. 1994)
Course Description:
This is a ladderized program introduced to meet the demands of the explosion of sophisticated electronics technology used by the latest designed wide- bodied and supersonic aircraft.
Associate in Aircraft Maintenance Technology (AAMT)
(DECS Order No. 64 s. 1994)
Course Description:
This is a two- year program focused on providing basic knowledge and skills in the maintenance of aircraft engine and its peripherals, and aircraft structure. A graduate of this program has an option to finish BSAMT for another two years.
Associate in Aviation Electronics Technology (AAET)
(DECS Order No. 64 s. 1994)
Course Description:
This is a two- year program designed to provide the students basic knowledge and skill in the maintenance of ground and airborne communication and navigation equipment. A graduate of this program has an option to finish BSAET for another two years.
Institute of Graduate Studies (IGS)
Courses Offered:
Master in Public Administration (MPA)
Master of Education in Aeronautical Management (MEAM)
Master in Public Administration (MPA)
Course Description:
Essential conceptual skills and knowledge in public administration focusing on government and airport administration are required. The course exposes the students to various economic, political, socio- cultural and behavior factors affecting public administration not only in the Philippines but also in other countries.
Master of Education in Aeronautical Management (MEAM)
Course Description:
This graduate program will augment the basic knowledge of non- aviation technicians who are planning to enter the aviation industry in the field of airline, management, operation and the like.
PhilSCA Flying School (PFS)
Courses Offered:
Private Pilot (Basic Ground Course)
Private Pilot (Basic Flight Training)
Commercial Pilot (Advance Ground Course)
Commercial Pilot (Advance Flight Training)
Multi- Engine Rating (Ground Course)
Multi- Engine Rating (Flight Training)